What I am looking for is not out there, it is in me.
-Helen Keller

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Some Shops of the World

Shopping- to look for something with the intentions of buying it.

How many things do we "shop" for before we say "That's enough, I don't need anymore things?"
How much money do we spend before we realize "Oh NO! I went over my budget?!"
How much do our beautiful feet and hands have to endure before we realize, "These bags and this walking is too much?"
What makes us want to shop for more, even if we had about every possible thing we could ever need? Is it the thrill, the excitement, the joy of having a new item in your closet?
Everyday, there are priceless clothing hanging in people's closest that haven't even been worn yet. The reason why is either because they have nothing to pair it with, (these are for our combiners), or simply because they now realize that they don't like the item they bought. This results in countless dollars spent each year, that you can't get back because these items are in your closet.
I went shopping the other day, and I promised myself I wasn't going to buy unnecessary apparel that I do not need. Guess what happened? I kept it.
I must admit though, walking down those isles were unbelievably unbearable, especially when my fingers skimmed across countless fabrics, and my eyes met countless colors, all I wanted to do was try them on, see what I could do so the fabric can work with me, and then just buy it!
I stopped myself, realizing that for now, the items that were hanging in these stores, on these racks, don't need to be attended to by me, at this moment. I can make due with the thousands of clothes I have in my closet. And today's day, was just about admiring and enjoying the beautiful scenery that this mall had to offer. I feel like not enough of us enjoy what's around us, and only enjoy what's placed extravagantly in front of us. Those aren't the only things that can bring joy though...


  1. Hi Alexandra! :D

    I really like this shops! Shoping is also my favourite pasttime, together with my friends. :D

    Would you like to be my follower if u don't mind.

    thank you so much

  2. Love this post!
    Some boutiques are just perfect!

